Sunday, June 7, 2009

Aham brahmasmi!

Back from a week long trip to a loooot of temples :) ...We visited almost 8-9 temples within a span of 6 days and boy was it worth it! Every temple had a story to tell and a few deposits were made to my knowledge bank ;)...These new additions obviously set my ball of thought rolling and as a natural consequence I am blogging ;)...
As a Hindu I have the previlege of worshipping hundreds of deities in various forms...If you observe, every deity stands for certain qualities...these qualities are'nt usually those with which a person is born , they need to be attained through the course of life with a lot of self retrospection and learning there by...thus they are usually branded as unattainable by human standards...It makes me wonder may be it is these qualities we worship and to give them form we associate a godly figure to it-if so hats off to the genius of our ancestors to have exemplified these lessons by personifying these qualities...This is where the second word of my title comes --"Brahmam"
On a different plane, why DO we have so many dieties? Can't we have a single god and associate all the qualities with Him? May be it is our ancestors' way of saying that everyone is different :) and you can't expect all the qualities in a single human being :) A way of promoting tolerance in us-- a train of thought that I am still not very tolerant about though :)...
There is a saying in Gita -- "You will attain moksha when you see yourself in others and others in you". The first one is but natural, but not many do the second one...This is where the first word of my title comes--"Aham"...This prevents people in executing the second thought...
But only the one who realises that the two words are inseperable also sees that only when you believe in yourself do you attain true happiness...
Know thyself - be your best critic.

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