Saturday, March 20, 2004


When He is on the field,every Indian heart rather, every cricket fan, is engulfed with a very natural human feeling-an expectation-for more.
When He is on the field,every heart believes it is possible because he makes every total on the board look surmountable-He gives us hope,He challenges our imagination.
Indians are always known for their spirituality.May it be a Muslim worshipping Allah or may it be a Hindu worshipping Shiva or may it be every Indian cricket fan worshipping Him.
This journey of expectations began when He first toured Pakistan in 1989.People were talking then,now they are talking again as He goes back to Pakistan after a decade and a half with a bundle of memories and memoirs.
Indians in particular have a very strange way of expressing their love-we are surprisingly cruel to the ones we claim to love the most and He is not an exception.He is undoubtedly a God to every fan out there and as a rule God doesn't make mistakes,but it should be remembered that this God is human and He can make mistakes.
Yes,expectations are present from someone who is capable not from someone who isn't,but it should be remembered that when they are not met it doesn't make the person less capable.
Yes,it is impossible to take failure and success equally,but it should remembered that it is a success or failure for Him-for every thought we spend on His game perhaps he spends a thousand.
He is not a mere mortal but he isn't immortal either.Cricket is a game of 11 not 1.
It is sad that He is being written off-He who has managed to raise every emotion in every cricket heart-ecstasy,disappointment,
anger,exult,surprise,shock,tears, hope and feelings that words cannot suffice-just by a stroke with his bat.He who is known by every bowler heart in hearts the best with the stick no matter how much he denies it.Sharne Warne,the world's second highest wicket taker in Tests,confessed to having nightmares about His batting.
Who would forget His spectacular knock against the Aussies in Sharjah,or His laudable dedication to the game when he returned to play for the country in the world cup after having lost one of the closest persons to him on this Earth-His father and still he is criticised.Yes,He definitely can be but constructively.It is but natural to be angry when expectations are not met but it should be remembered that he feels it no less.
He is an institution.Yes,even now He and no one else,will decide when the curtain descends-that is the right He has earned.We have travelled every ball with Him,sat beside Him in every innings,beheld His every spectacular shot but lets stay with Him even when He is out for a duck,when He isn't able to achieve the task we have set for Him.  
Yes,our memory is full of Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar but still we make room for Him because He is incomparable,unimitable and undoubtedly The best batsman that ever walked on this Earth.

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