Friday, October 16, 2009

Can't Wait!

Impatience is the new life - says the adcom for airtel broadband which pretty much summarises the way of life today so much so that when I couldn't remember this tag line within ten seconds I immediately called up my friend to look it up for me :)

Everything now-a-days has to happen with lightening speed and sometimes even that is slow...I wont be surprised if the unit of measure changes from a second to nanosecond(spoken like a true geek:))...

Alls fine with speed and manic restlessness BUT It irks me when people can't wait for their turn in the Queue (wherever!)...Why is it that waiting brings out the worst in people? I , for one , hate waiting but only when someone doesn't keep up an appointment ...but I fail to understand
Why the hell do people honk in traffic when they can see that there isnt space for the guy before him to manouver?
Why can't they stand in line but just brush past the waiting people to get a movie ticket?
Why is it that people go on calling even if they hear that their call is waiting?(a super invention by the way)
Why can't people wait for 10 seconds and have to switch the channel as soon as an ad is on?
and whenever I see any such thing happening (which is ever so often), it is all I can do to stop myself giving them an earfull!
Why I mean Why??