Thursday, November 8, 2007

Out of comfort zone!

Comfort zone-everyone who thinks of one has which lures you into finding it,one which you can call your own-all yours',one which can afford to change :) but one we never would want to get out of...
why is then i always find myself snugly stuffed into my comfort zone at one moment and thrown mercilessly out of it at the next...its like awakening someone from a deep slumber by throwing cold water on em...and then there is always the promise of something better out there...but only a moron or a genius would fall for am neither and am perfectly normal i find it equivalent to standing stark naked with my fears out in the open with the world of unknown for an is not the fear of acceptance...this might sound crazy but it is of knowing that you would find another zone and in knowing that too wouldn't tend to think of what next ?vice of being wise i keep wondering whether you really want to get into something you know the outcome of anyways or would you be enticed enough by the warmth of the memories that you just fall into the trap once again...I guess they don't call it lifecycle for nothing, history repeats itself, time and again ...and again for another time when you don't want it to :)...
And while am off in search of my zone again for the zillionth time, i guess its just life's way of saying "Ha Ha Gotcha"...

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Ever been in a rhetorical "if only time would stand still.." place? yeah well ok if not that dramatic i atleast have a few favourites which will keep my rewind button rolling on and on and well few others which just keep the smile pasted on my face just thinking what it would be like..without further happy place...
waking up early to find you have half an hour more till the alarm goes off...aa sleep,the most misused luxury i have ....
yapping away with my mom especially when she enunciates on my vices...can't help laughing...
just coming back home from wherever...
fighting with my bro...somehow,just can't do without it...
sitting on a swing,swaying to the breeze and listening to kishore kumar's songs...
discussing right about everything with my dad...
reading my favourite book...
even doing nothing with my sis...
cricket...well i guess the only thing my hubby should worry about :)...
sitting around in my pyjamas at home and just watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S...
talking to MY friends...
writing...something i do when am really anxious,somehow calms me down :)...
calvin and hobbes...
playing with kids... virtue i have inherited from my race of the fairer sex :)...
singing...yeah it makes me happy if not others :)
sitting around in a woody place,drinking coffee,deeply,from a black mug and having a book in my hand...aah quite a picture aint it :)...
gossiping...yeah well one of my favourite pass times...
walking along the beach side at midnight and eating ice cream...
getting a call on my landline...yeah well i am conservative...
receiving a hand written letter...proves it again...
watches! ah i can never get tired of em...
playing tt or basketball...its been a while...but it gives me the adrenaline rush...
getting wet in the rain...somehow cheers me up even when i am in crap:) kinda like washes my tears away :)
pictures...just love posing for em ;)
greeting cards...who says silence is golden when you can say so much with words :)... matter how many teeth i lose coz of em :)..
lights...sitting on the terrace with only your thoughts and the breeze for company and seeing the innumerable lights that glitter in the city...just makes anything look miniscule...
midnight talks...just love em...
flirting...ok i neednt explain much abt that...
having someone say "love ya" to arguing,one of the most fulfillig moments one can have...
and just loving with all i me that is the essence of existence

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Letting go!

she really left ...can't believe that i will come home tomorrow and not see her standing in the frontyard...she came in when i was like four years old and we grew old together till today... seeing her go away just opened a bundle of our first ride together,when we brought our baby brother the first time i tainted her covers with the the innumerous times we got excited because we were going in the car!!the many summer holidays when we got a bucket of soap water and just washed her...and as we grew up the many times we had tiffs about whoz not gonna wash her:)...she just came along wherever we went...she was one of those things you know,who was always there... i actually felt cruel giving her was like losing a friend of eighteen long years...she was our pride...our first car...and when the last time her engine spluttered to life in our frontyard,it was all i could do to stop myself from running behind her...i just stood there wiping the moisture away from my eyes, seeing our old faithful finally leave us,forever...

Monday, March 19, 2007

Minnows and the mellows!

Bangladesh vs India what a match that was! Unfortunately it was talked about for all the wrong reasons. To start with, a very hand picked few actually acknowledged the splendid performance of Bangladesh. It was heartening to see the way Bangladeshis played. Our team just lost to a better team that day. They were better in every department of the game. The fact that the teens intimidated the likes of sachin tendulkar or rahul dravid or saurav ganguly, who have as much experience as their age, with their bowling speaks volumes of the level at which they played the game. They weren’t “minnows” in anyway it is a serious misnomer that. Anyone who has seen them playing over the last year would agree that the improvement in their game was tremendous. Their win over Australia cannot be pure luck. It is just saddening to see that when an upcoming team like Bangladesh wins over an established team, like us for instance, credit isn’t given to their performance or competence instead we dig into why the other team lost. Look at what they have reduced Indians to- hoping that they don’t bat as well as they bowled or fielded.
The only difference I saw in both the teams on that day was the attitude with which they approached the game. At no point in the game, Indians were confident that they could pull it off. Bangladeshis on the other hand exuded confidence with every ball they played. They were all over the place when they fielded. They didn’t get complacent at any point in the game giving due respect to their formidable opponent. They had the confidence in us that we could turn the game at any point, we just didn’t back ourselves. They simply didn’t give India the chance to get back into the game. As for their batting, they showed more maturity than the likes of their age aided by the fielding positions of Rahul Dravid of course. We simply dint show superiority in the way we bowled or fielded. We just didn’t have an attacking field with which we could well have defended even a total of 191. It is easier said than done. But it is India that they were playing against and they would definitely had jitters about it. And we didn’t take advantage of it. That was the only thing that was missing in our approach, the aggressiveness.
As for the reaction of fans down here, their situation is simply pitiable. They don’t enjoy the game anymore. It is always about a win. They do not give credit to the opponent, whoever it might be. This has been happening for a while and disappointment is understandable in a cricket-loving nation like ours but it is madness to take the game at a personal level and attacking the players’ homes. This way the whole essence of spirit of the game is lost. I know I am asking for a lot when I say it is high time that people change their attitude towards the game we all love so much. But it has to be done.
I am an avid fan of Indian cricket and I still believe that we have it in us to win the world cup! This is wishing them all the best !

Friday, February 16, 2007

The day that was!

Theory of relativity—Even God uses it!
When you are Six feet under and you think you can’t go any further, He gives a sevenish I’ve always wondered why! But it actually makes you appreciate Six even more…think about it...somethings in life exist just to make you appreciate life without them… true ain’t it? J
lately I’ve been in more or less a similar situation…and I am going to share with you a day which just did what it was supposed to do, made me realize what it was without it…
yesterday was an ordinary day, just that it wasn’t in every way possible…I was supposed to get up early to go to work and yes of course I got up late…I was running late for work and was yelling at everyone within a foot of me…usually I take my bike to work but yesterday, i wonder why, I didn’t…I went in my cousin’s car…again all was well I was chatting with my cousin a little bit of this and that and I would’ve been in office in another ten minutes…and suddenly out of nowhere this pedestrian comes in the way and I swear I heard the chicken wonder out loud WHY?…we avoided him only to be hit by an oncoming motor bike…then there was this whole drama of cops and law…the saving grace was the guy on the motor bike, who by the way wasn’t wearing a helmet, survived miraculously with only superficial cuts…all of it took about two hours to be sorted out…so finally I ended up in office…it was just like from the pan into the fire…I get reprimanded by my superior for not putting enough effort in a week when I felt doubly tired what with my work and my mood swings…I come back to my cubicle only to be intimated that my place has been shifted elsewhere…it might seem a little silly, but what the heck, everybody is a slave to routine and I am no different ,I had really gotten used to my place…so I slowly drag all my possessions to my new place and divert myself with setting up my new place when I get an email saying that the paper I published (which I hated to do in the first place) was rejected and I have to do it all over again…after working for a considerable amount of time I decided to call it a day and I knew now at that mo god must have laughed out loud not yet dear not yet…well I took an auto with my friend who couldn’t see the resignation written all over my face and obliged to come along only to be dragged into my eventful day…we were half way down when the auto breaks down and I was smiling to myself as I had suspected that it was still not the end…we manage to catch hold of another auto and guess what? After ten minutes the fuel tank ditches us…by this time I was positively amused and was literally laughing out loud…who would expect two vehicles to break down on a single day? But no it was yesterday and I seriously wasn’t surprised…so finally after taking a third auto, I come home and was just happy to be home!
And during all this I forgot for a whole day half of what was irking me all along…amazing isn’t it? I know am barking mad J but just think about it…sometime down the lane you might even laugh about the fact that today something was so important to you and that it actually bothered you so much that you couldn’t enjoy it! Whether you accept it or not it happens in 8 cases out of 10 and it is not because you were worried about trifling things or you were immature or any of those stuff! No sir! Its just that anything, except the things that are worth your time, will not matter to you as you traverse the lane of time…and the things that are actually worth your time will only remain as memories for you to cherish…